International Women??s Day is observed on March 8. The day is devoted to all women, particularly those who have, through courage and determination, played a critical role in history. The efforts surrounding the day are often aimed at ending discrimination against girls and women throughout the world. The observance also calls attention to violence committed against females, including sexual exploitation, trafficking, and other harmful practices.

She Sheds

(Pixabay / blickpixel)

The day represents a broader movement to put women on equal footing with men. Throughout history, men have often played a more dominant role in certain industries, such as the construction industry, but recent reforms are helping to change that.

We often think of men tackling construction projects like home add-ons or backyard sheds. Women, however, are getting more actively involved in designing and building feminine garden sheds, affectionately called ??She Sheds.??r

Sheds are sometimes used as man caves ??a place where men can stash their tools or practice hobbies such as wood working. A She Shed is the female counterpart??a hideaway where a woman can store her own tools and pursue her interests. In some cases, it may even be a glammed-up place for a woman to host get-togethers with friends??book clubs, a hot cocoa party on cool winter nights, and more.

Some women choose to build their own shed from the ground up. Others may take over an existing shed, fixing it up with attractive paint and décor to make it cleaner and more inviting.

The backyard shed need not be the man??s domain. A She Shed can serve as a functional storage place, a quiet corner to unwind or a social haven. Grab your tools, ladies. Celebrate your gender with a She Shed.

DIY Shed Plans